Thursday, September 25, 2008

If it's fall, why is it 90 degrees today?

Happy Halloween! Once September 21st comes around, I feel that's license to pull out my favorite seasonal decor. Last year, Larry told the kids their mom is a witch...don't worry, our marriage isn't on the rocks, he just means I really, really, really like Halloween and he thinks I decorate a little too early and a little too much. So if you're living in SoCal, crank that air conditioning, light your favorite fall scented candle, and bake something with pumpkin cuz' it's the best time of the year!
This is my fav...his name's Gordy, I got him at Roger's Gardens a few years back! He always makes me smile!

1 comment:

Aimee Molloy said...

love this post - it is so true - crank that AC.

Love your cute!

Maddie's First Competition